Need help on how to beat The January Blues? Gemma Redmond, our Business Development Manager and Mental Health First Aider shares her top tips

January is widely known as being the low point of the year for our mental health but I want to banish those blues by arming you with some tips, if you find yourself struggling after the festive season.

Yes it’s a New Year but despite the NY hype of resolutions and ‘becoming a better person’ this year, try not to get lost in these unrealistic, daunting goals and expectations that are being banded around.

Focus on the small things, one day at a time. If you feel you need to make changes this year, keep them minor and aim to be consistent until you’re ready to move onto a potentially more substantial adjustment (again only if you think it’s needed). Most important of all; don’t compare yourselves to others! Just because other people are changing things in their lives, doesn’t mean you have to…

Here are a few more tips to help banish those blues:

  1. Understand that this is normal – allot of people will be feeling the same at this time of year, you are not alone. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself.
  2. Talk about how you are feeling – it’s better to get things off your chest. There is always someone who will listen and help, even if you feel there might not be.
  3. Avoid procrastination (putting things off) – getting things ticked off your to-do list gives you a sense of achievement and helps relieve anxiety. Start with the small tasks and ease into the bigger tasks.
  4. Get as much daylight as possible – to help boost your Vitamin D & happy hormone levels.
  5. Get active – this doesn’t have to be anything major and could be something as simple as a lunchtime walk or stretch. As long as you’re moving it will help get those ‘feel good’ endorphins flowing. Double points for getting active outdoors!
  6. Keep your body hydrated and eat properly – if your body isn’t fuelled it won’t be able to function. Avoid overly sugary foods to dodge the dreaded sugar-crash which will leave you craving more sugar and feeling tired.
  7. Aim for 8 hours sleep – put down your phone, turn off the TV and allow your body to completely switch off in the evening to recharge, ready for the next day.
  8. Focus on Self Care – looking after yourself isn’t selfish. Take time out to do the things that make you happy, whatever that may be.

These tips aren’t just for Blue Monday, they should be used all year round. We have lots of support for our members of staff here are Xenia Estates through our HR Department, Line Managers and Mental Health First Aiders.

If you feel you need someone to talk to or further support, there is lots of help readily available for free here. Remember your Mental Health is just as important as your Physical Health and you shouldn’t have to struggle alone.

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