Spotlight On

We spent some time with Gemma Redmond, our Business Development Manager to find out all about her role at Xenia Estates!


1) Tell us a little bit about your role…

I am Xenia Estates’ newly appointed Business Development Manager. My role within Xenia Estates is to promote & develop the brand and to ultimately expand the portfolio of developments and client base across the country. Along with other key members of the team, I ensure the commencement of management on any new scheme is a sleek operation with as little disruption to the day to day services as possible.

2) How did you get to where you are today?

In all honesty, I never intended to spend over a decade of my life in the Property Management Industry and looking back, the time has flown! Back in 2009 I started a role as a Customer Service Advisor with another large, well known managing agent. This was after taking a break following redundancy from a Broadband provider, where I provided technical support over the phone. I wasn’t keen on pursing the technical support/comms role so I decided to try a different industry where my customer service skills were transferable. I soon progressed within the customer service role, with not long after starting, leading a team of agents to deliver the best possible service and supporting senior members of the business in special projects. Through recognition of what I had achieved within the business within a relatively short amount of time and my desire to progress within the business, I was promoted to the role of Business Development Manager and the rest is history. I remained loyal to this role and company for just shy of 12 and a half years and have of course experienced allot during this time.

 3) How long have you been with Xenia Estates?

I have been with Xenia Estates since the start of January this year which is surprising as it feels like I’ve been here allot longer. Having been with another large Managing Agent for over 12 years, it was time for a change and a new personal challenge. The perfect opportunity with Xenia Estates presented itself just at the right moment, so things fell into place nicely.

4) What would you say makes Xenia Estates stand out?

Their fresh, modern attitude to management and overall company ethos. Having been with Xenia Estates for just over a month, it is certainly apparent how much they care about the developments they manage and the staff within the company. Property Management isn’t an easy industry to work within, given such high compliancelogo regulations that need to be adhered to and ultimately managing peoples home. What I have seen so far is that Xenia Estates find the balance of providing a professional, compliant service, adhering to all required regulations whilst taking such a personal, innovative approach. These are key qualities which I believe makes Xenia Estates stand out in such a large pool of other Agents in the Industry.

In addition to this, through Xenia Estates sister companies, Xenia Lettings & Xenia Students, we are able to offer the complete package from property management of the common areas to managing the individual properties themselves. This is something that is rarely found, and especially for all services to be delivered so well!

5) What do you love about your role?

My role within Xenia Estates so far has been refreshing, as I’ve been able to work closely with their talented Marketing Team. Marketing and building a brand is something I have always had an interest in, so was keen to be a part of this.

From a Business Development point of view, I love that every day presents something new, I am given the opportunity to engage with lots of new people, see a wide spectrum of developments across the country and the role allows me to take an agile approach to working. It’s certainly a job you can never get bored within; there’s always something going on, goals to strive towards and I love how I have the freedom to carve out what Xenia Estates’ and my own personal next accolade will be. It’s so exciting to think of what could be in a few years’ time for Xenia Estates, through the Business Development I’ll be working so intently on.Staff

6) How do you destress or unwind?

Working full time and having two young children at home doesn’t leave much time for myself if I’m honest but it’s incredibly important to find that time, even if it’s just 15 minutes – after all there are 1440 minutes in day! I always try to make time to exercise whether it be walking, running, getting out on my bike, HIIT or Yoga / Pilates – exercise is my go-to way to unwind. I really believe that leading a healthy lifestyle and having everything in moderation with some form of regular exercise is something we should all try to do. To not only keeping our bodies physically healthy but also for our mental health. I always feel better after a workout and it does wonders for me to relieve any stress. Sometimes it’s tough to find the motivation but once it’s done and those ‘feel good’ endorphins are pumping, I never regret the session and it puts me back on track to having a positive mental attitude. Something we all need at the moment, more than ever.

7) If you could live anywhere in the World, where would it be?

Given the weather we have been having of late, anywhere with sun! I think eventually the dream is for our family’s time to be split between a laid back European town soaking up the sun, cuisine & culture, coming back to the UK in the months when the weather is a little kinder to reconnect with the rest of the family.

8) What’s your favourite building in the world & why?Gherkin

Wow, that’s a tough question but The Gherkin has always been a firm favourite of mine. I love its glass architecture, the impact it has on London’s skyline and it now has an even softer spot in my heart after my fiancé and I celebrated at Searcys restaurant at the top within an hour of getting engaged. The views are absolutely spectacular and it’s a memory I will always treasure.

9) City life or Country life?

I like the bustle and vibrancy of city life, but I am most definitely a country girl at heart. I love a good city break but sooner or later I’m ready to come home, back to the tranquillity of the countryside. I absolutely adore getting my walking boots on, getting muddy and going for a good explore… ideally followed by a good pub lunch afterwards to refuel! Everything in moderation, as I mentioned in an earlier question!

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